
Showing posts from 2016
                                                                                        Class Evaluation             Some things I liked about this class was that Mr. Haymore would explain to us how to do certain things. For example the student success statements, he always had like information about the quotes.  Some things I didn't like about this class are that the way the teacher would talk about people that have tattoos etc... Some recommendations for improving the class are, we should sit where ever we want to, but if we din't behave then the teacher can move us somewhere else. One of the highlights in this class for me was that I became a ctr person, and i obey everything I'm told to do. Yes I did do my  best in this cl...
Honesty Well in this video, it had two stories to it. One was about a girl in high school and the other one was about A college school. To start off the girl in high school was taking a test and the girl next to her asked her if she wanted to cheat, but the girl said no and she took her own test. This shows that the girl is a honest person. The one about the college was about this class that was taking a exam about medical school they were all  ready to do their exams and when the professor left the classroom a lot of people started pulling out cheat notes but one of the students had the gut to stand up and tell them that to put those cheat notes away or else he would turn them in, he told them that he had worked so hard to get to where he was and that he wasn’t gonna let them ruin it for him. This story was really good because it shows you that you should stand up for what is right and to not let other people r...
“When you tell one lie, it leads to another”- Paul Hatch            What Paul is saying is that when you tell one lie it leads to another. Telling one lie will eventually take you to saying another lie than after that you’ll say even more lies. This can lead to many bad things, you will lose people's trust and you will lose things that you really love. Also, it is not a good thing to do because it will just cause a lot of pain not only to you but to those you are telling lies to. The best thing is to not tell any lies and live life happy with no fear or anything to worry about. Lies are not good, ctr persons never tell lies because they know what lying can cause. The way lies happen is that you try to cover up something you know you did bad or something that was bad, if you lie ones you get used to it and start saying more lies. You have to face the truth and say the truth because lying is not right. So, be a c...
         Patrick Kearon was telling a story about when he was small and was at a night camp, Patrick's parents always told him to wear his shoes but he didn’t listen to them. This one day Patrick wanted to go for a walk and he should've worn his shoes but he chose to wear his sandals,well he went for his walk and he felt something sting him on his foot and when he looked down he saw that it was a scorpion. The amount of pain he was in is not recognized, it hurt him so bad he started yelling for his parents and they immediately took him to the hospital. On the way to the hospital Patrick's parents were very worried about him. When they got to the hospital the doctor gave a shot to Patrick to numb his leg so that he wouldn't feel the pain.  Well he learned a lesson from that and it was to always listen to his parents and to not be lazy and not put on his shoes. This story made me learn that i should always listen to my parents no matter ...
   “Always do right.”- Mark Twain               What Mark is saying is that to always do right. We should all do what is right, because that is the right thing. Staying away from drugs, alcohol, smoking is good because you are doing that is right. CTR people always do what’s right no matter what. Being a person that stays away from things you know are bad, are smart and good people. They are good and smart people because they know what is right and what is wrong so, they stay away from it. Other people that are ctw people choose to do bad because they are dumb people that don’t know what they are getting themselves into. You being in a crowd of ctr people is doing what is right.  It is important to do what is right because then the bad things that you are doing well go back to you and ruin your life. That is why we always have to ctr and not ctw.
“ It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company”- Unknow What this person is saying is that it is better to be alone than to be in bad company. So being alone isn’t bad, it’s actually good because you aren’t around someone that is a bad influence on you. Also, if you were to be with someone that is bad it would've been better to be  alone than with them. You’re better off alone because you are away from drama and away from those that will bring drama to your life. People think that it is lame or bad to be alone but they are wrong because at least you aren’t with a group of people that are smoking and drinking and doing bad things. CTR people prefer to be alone than to be with someone. If you are with someone that is a ctw person you should go somewhere else because they are no good, and they will mess you up.
                                              World War II World war II is known as the second war. This war lasted from 1939 to 1945, this war included all of the great powers. This was one of the first widespread wars of all. More than over 100 million people from 30 countries were involved. 11 million people died atomic bombs were fired and there is an estimate of 50 million to 85 million fatalities. Germany, Italy, and Japan fought against Whom. Most of it occurred in Europe, East asia, and islands in the Pacific Ocean. Some things that happened during World War II are, Auschwitz liberated by Soviet troops, Truman became president. The way we can honor and show respect to the veterans in world war 2 is by going to visit them, also by leaving flo...
 The 3 questions Can people trust me to do what’s right? Am I committed to doing my very best? Do I treat people the way I want to be treated? “ If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail.” - Lou Holtz What Lou is saying is that if the answer for those 3 questions is yes then there is no way you can fail. So if your answer to those 3 questions was a yes then you are a ctr person because you treat others the way you would want to be treated and people can trust you to do what’s right. Also you will do your very best in things so you can succeed. Yes people can trust me to do the right things  
 Challenges Teens Face Today Most teens today deal with bullying. Bullying can be dealt with cyber bullying, physical bullying, etc. Teens also go through teen pregnancy, they have under aged sex and most of them know the consequences but others don’t. They may also have a abution going on, either one of their family members did something to them. They also have low self esteem and feel alone. Some of the most common challenges teens face today are, self esteem and body image, bullying, depression, drugs and alcohol, cyber addiction, and suicide. I was dealing with bullying but not no more, nowadays i deal with depression. The way i deal with this is that i try not to be alone and i talk a lot with my friends to get my mind off of things. Being a CTR person helps me overcome things because i think positively and i don’t have negative thoughts. They way i can help other teens to overcome whatever they are dealing with is telling th...
       “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” - President John F. Kennedy             What President John is saying is that physical fitness is not only as important as the health of our body. So it is important to maintain our body's healthy you can do that by doing exercise and by staying out of any drug use. Also, our body’s will stay healthy and strong only if you can take care of it which is why we need to stay away from smoking, drugs, tobacco, weed and all those things that can cause harm to our body’s. Ctr persons will always take care of their body’s not only not by physical fitness but also by staying away from drugs. Only low life people do those dumb things or the a...
  Health Science Librarian The Health Science librarian or medical librarian helps health professionals access the most current information available on a plethora of medical topics. They are responsible for organizing and disseminating biomedical, scientific, and clinical as well as general information  to staff in a healthcare delivery. Duties and Responsibilities:   Their duties are to research different  medical topics. Their responsibilities are to Salary: $66,622 per year Education: A 4 year bachelor’s degree and a Masters degree in library science Demand for this profession:
    “ Kindness is the essence of greatness.”- Joseph B. Wirthlin What Joseph is saying is that kindness is the essence of greatness. So kindness is a great thing because it is something good. Also, kindness is what greatness is all about. Ctr persons are very kind to each other.
Thanksgiving Week For the thanksgiving week I went out with my mom because she didn’t work so we went to the mall and to do things. For thanksgiving day my family and I went to the Valley to go spend the day with my uncle and aunt. It was very funny because we got to eat and talk to them. Also, on saturday i went to a friends 15 and it was a lot of fun, we got to dance and eat cake. The day i went to my uncles and aunts house i met one of my uncles friend his name was Jessie. I also went to go walk my dog and i would go out and play ball with him.
“Manners maketh man.”-William Wykeham Manners are things that make us who we are and how we were raised. We have to have good manners in order to be a ctr person, because it is a good thing to have manners. If you were raised in a home where they teached you how to talk to adults then those are manners.People who have manners are people that look good because of the way the act and are. Someone that has bad manners is not a very good person they must have bad intentions. If you wanna be treated right you have to show some respect to the person you’d wanna receive respect from. Many people may act like a jerk but that’s them they were not raised with manners and are just people that ctw. If you walk in place full of people you have to say “ good afternoon or good morning” that just shows that you have manner. You have to show respect for others and be good to them. Manners show people who you are, and how you act.
“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.”- Marcus Aurelius Marcus is saying that if it is not right to not do it and if it is not true to not say it. So if something isn’t right don’t do it because it is bad. If you know that something isn’t true don't say it because it will make things worse. If someone is spreading rumors about someone and you know they aren’t true don’t say them. The person that tells you to do something bad is a ctw person because they are trying to make you do something you know is bad don’t do it. People will try many things to make you do bad things but you have to be a ctr person and not do them, you have to be the leader not the follower. Everything has a consequence that is why we have to always choose the right and do what is right not what is wrong. So if something's not right don’t do it. Also, if it is not true don’t say it or do it.
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day is a public holiday on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. Thanksgiving has been celebrated nationally on and off since 1789. It has been celebrated as a federal holiday every year since 1863, during the American Civil War. Thanksgiving is also a day for you to spend with your family and enjoy talking with them and eating the food that they have made. It is also a day to say thanks for the things you are thankful for.    Reflection: I am thankful for my life Thankful for my family and friends Thankful for having a dog that is like a best friend to me Thankful for my mother that is like a father to me at the same time Thankful for having a place to live Thankful for the things my family gives me Thankful for having a meal to eat everyday Thankful for not having to cry everyday anymore Thankful for having some amazi...
“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”-Chick Moorman What Moorman is saying is that doing right is way more honorable than winning or losing. So it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, what matters is what you did right. It is honorable to do what is right instead of winning or losing it. Choosing the right is way more important than winning something, it shows that you are a good person. Never do something to get a win out of it, always do it for yourself and because you know it is right. Doing what is right is way more important and honorable than winning or losing.
“ Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”- Henry Ward Beecher Henry is saying that you should yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. This means that you should be way more responsible than what other people think you are. Never excuse yourself from doing it. You should be way more responsible than other think you are, show them how much responsibility you have. This is also saying that you should say the truth about something, if you are responsible enough to say it and face the consequences. If you do this you are a truthful person and a person that is responsible to say the truth.
                                             Veterans Day Veterans day is an official United States public holiday. This honors military veterans those are persons that served for the United States armed forces. In other countries people celebrate the anniversary of the world war 1. The purpose of this day is to celebrate the serves of all U.S. military veterans. Visit a wounded veteran in the hospital Offer care for a veteran or military family Volunteer with an organization and help get therapy dogs for veterans Deliver a meal or care packages for veterans Veterans day to me is important because, it is a day to honor those who served for our country. Also, it is important because we have to show some respect to the veterans and thank the...
“These are the 3 magic keys to loving your life with integrity: Having the courage to say no. Having the courage to the face the truth Do the right thing because it is right”- W. Clement Stone What Clement is saying is that Courage is a big thing. You have to have it to say no and to face the truth. Also, do the right thing because it is right. Just like choosing the right, you always have to choose the right instead of the wrong. The important thing to do is to be a ctr person and have the courage to stand up for yourself and say no. Also, a ctr person chooses the right no matter what, if someone is telling you to do something and you know it’s bad you have to say no. Doing the right is always good because it doesn’t bring anything negative towards you, but if you choose the wrong it always brings negative things towards you and that’s not good. So no matter what it is you have to always choose the right and do what’s best for you even though other people might be against that. ...
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” The quote is saying that the people that do wise things are wise and a group of people that do foolish things should be destroyed. People that smoke weed and that use drugs are people that are fools because they don’t realize that those things are really bad and can cause consequences. People in this world don’t think of what those things will do to them also they might be influenced by other people that are doing the same dirty things. Ctr people know that that isn’t a good thing to do, they are aware of the consequences that would cause. Everyone should be a ctr person because that is a good thing to be instead of being a pothead and a drug addict. Ctr people are the ones that are wise, they are good people. People that aren’t smart and bad are the ones who should be destroyed, someone should put them a stop before they cause more problems to this world we live in. If everyone was wise th...
The Gainesville Tornadoes thank their unexpected fans summary       What happened was that Gainesville are these basketball players that are in this school of prison that help them be respectful, well twice a year their basketball team go and compete with other schools and since they can't get out of the school they have no fans so when they went to the other school the other team asked their fans to cheer for Gainesville and the whole game people were cheering for them that they didn't know who had won the game they didn't care who won. This shows a lot of kind hearts because the other team asked their fans to cheer for Gainesville since they had no fans of their own.
“The best recreation is to do good.”- William Penn William is saying that the best recreation is to do good. This means that the only recreation is to do good, so by doing good things such as helping other people or staying out of trouble is good because it is the right thing to do. Ctr people always choose to do the right because that is the good thing to do, and people that are doing good things are people that are good. Doing good is the right thing to do because it is good to be a good person. If you are a person that does good thing that is very good because you are creating something very good.
“ Right is right, even if everyone is against it; And wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.”- William Penn William is saying that, right is right even if people are against it and that wrong is wrong even if people are for it. This means that even though people are against choosing the right it is still right because it is a good thing. People say that being right and choosing what  is right is wrong they are against it but it is still right no matter if they are against that. The wrong is still wrong even though people are going with it. The wrong never is right, it is just a bad thing. People may be for it but it is wrong and it is wrong no matter if they are okay with it. Choosing the wrong isn’t good at all because that is bad and it is wrong so never choose the wrong. People will tell you to smoke with them and all that but that is wrong so never do that stuff because it’s wrong to do it. Doing right things is good even though people are against that, it is still g...
" Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write  down what you want most and see it often." -Peter Vidmar What Peter is saying about this is that, don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now write down what you want most and see it often. So don;t waste your time trying to do something write it down and come back to it. It is like your life journal you will write down all the things you want to get better at. Make up goals and achieve them. You can come back to them and do them. Also be a ctr person and think smart and do good things to set and achieve your goals. There will always be time to come back to whatever you want most. Just write them down and go back to them everyday to see if you made it happen.
   Homecoming Homecoming is a tradition where students go to have fun and celebrate their school’s existence. Homecoming is this event that happens to happen for the football players, if they win or lose. Homecoming occurs on the team's return from the longest road trip of the season. It is basically a party to celebrate the team’s hard work for playing for their school. We celebrate homecoming in schools because that’s our home. It is called “The homecoming game” because it’s a day after the home game. My opinion on this is that it’s a exciting thing to happen and that’s nice because they do it for all the sports not only football.
" A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life" - Coach K What coach k is saying is that a good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life. This means that a name is more important than what you can achieve in your life. Nothing is more important than having a good name. Achieving something in life isn't as important as having a good name. Ctr people have good names for themselves that's how they are known as good people cause of their names. People with bad names are people that ctw, that's why you should have a good name for yourself other than having a bad name. Being known as a name that is good is way more than achieving something in your life. Many things you can do but if you want to be known as a person with a good name you have to have a good name for that to happen.
" A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches" This means that a good name should be chosen rather than having a lot of money. If you choose a good name that is good because it makes you a good person. Also being rich doesn't matter what matters is that you have a good name and that will make you a ctr person. Ctr persons have good names because they are good people and know what is right.
  Health Educator A Health educator teaches people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities. Community health workers collect data and discuss health concerns with specific populations or communities. They also help with environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, spiritual health. Duties and Responsibilities: Salary:$41,830 Education: Demand for this profession: My Reflection: In the future i wouldn’t want to this career for me, it doesn’t interest me.
" If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for the others to follow."- Thomas S. Monson What Thomas means by this is that you should be that one person who is a ctr person. Also that, you should be the one to tell others to follow what you do. Make a stand for your rights even if you have to do it alone. Have the courage to stand up for your rights and do good for yourself. If your friends tell you to do something that you know is wrong have the courage to tell them " no" because if you don't you will do something bad and you will regret it. That is why being a ctr person is good because you will never choose to do the wrong things but you will choose to do the right. If you are the only person that is standing up for their rights good job to you, you are the smartest person because the rest of the people are too scared to do i...
" A CTR  champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself"- Noemi Trigueros What Noemi means about this is that a ctr champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself. So being a ctr person leads you to being a champion who makes a great person out of themselves. CTR champions are persons that do good not only for themselves but for others. They also become great humans out of themselves. They don't do bad things they always choose the right and do good things. They will always choose the right over the wrong not matter what happens they will always be ctr persons. It is important to be a ctr person because you can become a ctr champion.
Environmental Health Specialist An environmental specialist monitors health and safety conditions in residential, industrial, commercial, and recreational setting. A person who is a environmental health specialist can also be called safety inspector or a health and safety specialist. Most environmental specialist work for the government. Duties and Responsibilities: Their responsibilities are to determine existence of possible health hazards Salary:$37,300 to $57,551 per year Education: Demand for this profession: Bachelor’s degree My reflection: This job is not interesting to me, i wouldn’t want to be one because i don’t think its the right career for me.
      " Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get."-Mark Victor Hansen  What Mark is saying about this is that,if you are goal setting you are goal getting , you set and get. So by setting a goal you are getting it you set your goal up and you get it because you did it. For example my goal is to study and become someone in life i have to set my goal and then i will get it. You have to set up your goal and then you will get it, you set it and got it. If my goal is to become a police officer i have set my goal and if i do become one in the future i got my goal, i first set my goal then i got it because it became true. CTR persons set their goals and get them. If you set and got your goal you will be happy and know you set and get because you set your goal and got it. Wanted to do something is the same thing as everything you first have to set it up then you get it. If you  are doing a project you first have to set it up and then you get it. You are to set t...
Columbus Day Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries. It is a celebration to christopher columbus arrival in the discovery of the american content on October 12 1492. Columbus day first became an official state holiday in colorado in 1906 and became a federal holiday in the United States in 1937.  In the united states it is known as “ Dia de la raza” ( Day of the race). These holidays have been celebrated unofficially since the late 18th century and officially in various countries since the early 20th century. During the four hundredth anniversary in 1892 teachers, preachers, poets, politics used columbus day rituals to teach ideals of patriotism. Many italian Americans observe columbus day as a celebration of their heterage.              My Reflection: This is a very good holiday, i have no bad judgement towards this.
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block"- James E. Faust What James means about this is that when obedience becomes our goal it is no longer an irritation of stumbling block, it becomes a building block. So when your goal is to be obedient it no longer is something you worry about it becomes something you have to be careful at. This means that you should be a ctr person and always choose the right. If your goal is to be obedient it doesn't stay that way it because into something big that you have to worry about. Ones you obey something it doesn't become an irritation. You have to obey things for they won'y have to be in your way. Things will be irritating if you don't obey them.
Phlebotomist Phlebotomists are people trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research. Phlebotomist collect blood primarily by performing venipunctures. Blood may be collected from infants by means of a heel stick. They insert a needle inside the vein to get blood from the patient. Duties and Responsibilities: Their duties may include properly identify the patient. Their responsibilities are to collect blood samples from patients, label vials with patients names and date Salary:$29,703 Education: They can start their careers after four months to a year of education Demand for this profession: You are required to choose a degree My Reflection: This is a good career, it somewhat gets my attention i think in the future this would be something i would want to do.