“ Right is right, even if everyone is against it; And wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.”- William Penn

William is saying that, right is right even if people are against it and that wrong is wrong even if people are for it. This means that even though people are against choosing the right it is still right because it is a good thing. People say that being right and choosing what  is right is wrong they are against it but it is still right no matter if they are against that. The wrong is still wrong even though people are going with it. The wrong never is right, it is just a bad thing. People may be for it but it is wrong and it is wrong no matter if they are okay with it. Choosing the wrong isn’t good at all because that is bad and it is wrong so never choose the wrong. People will tell you to smoke with them and all that but that is wrong so never do that stuff because it’s wrong to do it. Doing right things is good even though people are against that, it is still good rather than choosing what’s wrong.


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