“When you tell one lie, it leads to another”- Paul Hatch

          What Paul is saying is that when you tell one lie it leads to another. Telling one lie will eventually take you to saying another lie than after that you’ll say even more lies. This can lead to many bad things, you will lose people's trust and you will lose things that you really love. Also, it is not a good thing to do because it will just cause a lot of pain not only to you but to those you are telling lies to. The best thing is to not tell any lies and live life happy with no fear or anything to worry about. Lies are not good, ctr persons never tell lies because they know what lying can cause. The way lies happen is that you try to cover up something you know you did bad or something that was bad, if you lie ones you get used to it and start saying more lies. You have to face the truth and say the truth because lying is not right. So, be a ctr and never lie or if you do tell lies change that stop telling lies, and then bad things will stop happening to you. Be an honest person and never tell lies.


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