“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.”- Marcus Aurelius
Marcus is saying that if it is not right to not do it and if it is not true to not say it. So if something isn’t right don’t do it because it is bad. If you know that something isn’t true don't say it because it will make things worse. If someone is spreading rumors about someone and you know they aren’t true don’t say them. The person that tells you to do something bad is a ctw person because they are trying to make you do something you know is bad don’t do it. People will try many things to make you do bad things but you have to be a ctr person and not do them, you have to be the leader not the follower. Everything has a consequence that is why we have to always choose the right and do what is right not what is wrong. So if something's not right don’t do it. Also, if it is not true don’t say it or do it.
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