“Dare to stand alone.”-Thomas S. Monson

This quote is saying that you should dare to be alone. Being alone with no one isn’t bad at all, it will keep you away from drama and problems. If you are a person that hangs out alone and doesn’t want to be around there friends you are daring because a lot of people wouldn’t do that because they are scared of what other might think about them or say. It is better to be alone because then you won’t have to worry about others but yourself. There is always a ctw person in a group of people so it is better to stay away from them by being alone then no one will bother you. It is better to be alone then to be around someone that just hurts you. Be unique and be a leader rather than being a follower like others. Be someone that does the things they want to do not what others tell you what to do. If you are a person that has no friends, you shouldn’t be ashamed of that because at the end of the those friends you have don’t mean anything to you and ones you're done with school you won’t even have any contact with them. So make wise decisions and choose to stand alone than to be surrounded by people who will make you sick.


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