“The ultimate choice is to be a CTR person-to always choose the right 124/7.”-Mr. Haymore

This quote is saying that the ultimate choice to be a ctr person is to always choose the right. If you want to be a ctr person you always have to do what is right no matter what. Choosing the right is a good thing because it brings good things for you. A ctr person always chooses the right that is why they are good people with good personalities. A ctw person is a bad person that makes dumb choices because if you do something bad it will never bring you any good. Which is why we all should choose the right 24/7 and make the world a better place. If we all were to be ctr people we wouldn’t live in a world where violence occurs it would be peaceful where everyone loved each other. It is important to always choose the right so you won’t be in trouble a lot and not have freedom because your parents don’t trust you. A ctr person has a good character and is kind enough to help others in need. Choosing the right is something important because it makes people great.


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