“They’re only truly great who are truly good.”-George Chapman

What this quote is saying is that they are only truly great of they are truly good. So if you are a person that is good it is true that you are great. Everyone is a good person, but others aren’t they choose to be bad. If you are a ctr person you are truly great because it is true that you are a great person, because you didn't do anything bad. If someone tells you that this person is good but then that isn’t true then it isn’t true that they are good people, because someone has to be good in order for it to be true. So we all have to be people that always choose the right because then it will be true that we are good people and that means that we are great as well. Being a ctw person doesn’t and will not take you anywhere but to trouble. So always do what is right and if you want to be someone that is truly good never tell lies and always do what is good.


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